Monica Fry - EXp Realty

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Monica Fry
EXp Realty

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Real Estate Agent BIO - Monica Fry

Monica Fry is a successful and passionate real estate agent working in the Twin Cities market. Since starting her business in 1993, she has become the proud owner of The Fry Group brokered by eXp Realty. With extensive experience in navigating the complexities of the market, Monica is an expert negotiator and has been a top producer in the area for many years. She places great importance on providing quality service to her clients and has built a team of 350 agents around the world who share her dedication to delivering outstanding results. Monica's infectious enthusiasm and commitment to excellence make her a leader in the industry. When Monica is not working you can find her at her home with her cat named Winston. He's a Ragdoll and is very spoiled! Monica also enjoys golfing, walking and riding her bike.

Real Estate Agent Specialties - Monica Fry


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